Tuesday, February 14, 2012


My master has many skills. Among them is imagination. He is an artist like none could begin to believe. He creates with no prototype. Can anyone else compare?

I may design a vase, and sculpt it with care, but the idea comes from what exists. I may take wire, and shape it to create a pendant- circular, square, heart-shaped... can I invent a new shape; one that has never been seen? My imagination is limited.

I look at a tree at Big Bear, and see the shape of the bark. It truly looks like a puzzle. I peel it apart, amazed. Who invented the puzzle? What gave them the idea? From where, was the inspiration?

My master, he imagines things, and speaks them into being. As he assigns them names, they gain meaning and shape. Can anyone else compare?

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I love comments. It makes me feel like I'm not just talking to a wall, and rids me of the feeling that this time, I said too much, or said something the wrong way.

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