Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Oh Brother (picture blog)


  1. This is fantastic, Fern!!!!! I love how you told the story through elementary~style pictures...very clever!!! And I'm glad it had a happy ending!! ;-)

  2. :-) Thanks T. I definitely want to change my style up, and drawing pictures was fun, though time-consuming.
    Apparently, I'm an elementary-style artist :-); I can draw a bit better- with a lot more time, but I'm still not very good- I'm more of a poet/song writer/story-teller... and scrap-booker,jewelry designer and potter... but not a painter or sketcher; putting 3 dimensions into 2-dimensional form is pretty-much beyond me.... I have a children's poetry book (all about animals), that's been waiting for 10 years because I need to realize that I will never learn to draw well, and find myself an artist. :-)


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I love comments. It makes me feel like I'm not just talking to a wall, and rids me of the feeling that this time, I said too much, or said something the wrong way.

(I review your comments first, so if you want to say something just to me, just let me know).